
About Wuthering Heights ?

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For some reason this book is taking me forever to read and i don't feel i understand it fully. I have been reading for about 6 hours i believe and im only on page 60 of 300+ and i have a week left till i need to write an essay and i don't have the time to sit down from morning to night reading the book. How can i read it faster? Also, is the movie from 1992 extremely acurate with the book? Maybe watching the movie it is acurate could help me understand




  1. The quick cliff notes version:

  2. I hate to suggest this but... get cliffnotes or sparknotes and look through them.  You could also search it on wikipedia, just so you can understand generally what's happening in the book.  Also, try listening to it on tape.  I find that helps me feel like the book is going faster.

  3. Have you tried Spark Notes?

    I don't have any other suggestions to get through it more quickly. I always found it to be extremely boring. She is not my favorite Bronte sister.

  4. i wanted to read this book after bella going on about it all the time in twilight. don't know much about it but just thought i'd say check out the song by Kate Bush obviously called wuthering heights. find the lyrics too. they might help in some weird way.

    Out on the wiley, windy moors we'd roll and fall in green, you had a temper like my jealousy to hot, to greedy. how could you leave me when i needed to posses you i hated you, i loved you too........ bla bla bla i could go on for ages (love that song!)

  5. Maybe you could see it there is a talking book version of it, that way you could sit and listen to it instead of reading it. I was the same way with Stone Angel, I hated that so much I dropped out of the grade 13 english class to avoid having to read it all. Another author's work I can't read is Stephen King, I got through about 6 pages of  Pet Cemetery and stopped.

    Good Luck and h a nice day.

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