
About a Dream? Has this happened to You?

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Two nights ago, I had a dream that I was out on a date with a guy and he was asking me about myself. Upon waking up, I remembered exactly what he looked like, that he was an athlete, how short his hair is, the color of his eyes, and his first/last name.

When I woke up, I remembered his name and looked him up on my social networking site....he exists. I always pass over his profile because I can't see who he is in his profile picture (like it's dark and I can't see his face/facial features). Well, I never go to any sporting events at my school but I looked up the mens' rosters on our school website...he's an athlete, too. And his picture looks exactly like the guy I saw in my dream.

I've never given this guy a passing thought but now I dreamed about him. I don't even know him. Any answers?




  1. perhaps you might talk to the guy and then you will get an answer.

  2. Our brain is like a giant filing cabinet. Everything we see, hear, taste, smell and touch is remembered by our brain, and put into what we might call a “brain file.” When we read a book, watch a television show or video, listen to music, eat some ice cream or pet a soft rabbit, it is all recorded in our “files.” Our brain pays attention even when we don’t! We call those files our memories. Usually, we don’t even know all those things are in our head!

    We dream about many different things. When we go to sleep, our brain begins to take bits and pieces of memories and put them together into a dream.

    I think you've seen this guy before or it could be one of those magical coincidence.

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