
About a d h d , please advise me.?

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Hi , my neighbours kids 2 of them have been diagonised with adhd , the problem is they live 2 doors down so of course the kids play round here but one of her kids if he dont get his own way comes out with knives and a sword the other day to hit the kids with round here , tries to hit my kids and others peoples kids surely they know right from wrong ? they are always eating junk food outside and she will sometimes say to me he hasnt taken his tablet today , surely she has to make him take them , my question is do adhd kids know right from wrong , she keeps saying we cant blame my kids cause they have adhd, i think i will move , i know kids argue and i know mine arent angels but they know right from wrong.x




  1. Children and adults with ADHD do know right from wrong. ADHD is a minor (with other things in mind) chemical imbalance, not a retardation or serious handy cap. This seems to be a mild case of poor parenting on your neighbors part.

  2. When I was a kid I don't believe there was anything like adhd. It's called lack of discipline, and if your kid is bad well they just have to have ADHD and you need to keep them high on medication to control them. Whatever.  

  3. Well, if the mom hasn't taught them what's right from wrong, they might not have a clear definition and it doesn't seem the mom is doing her job.  With kids with ADHD, they need to have their medication taken everyday on time at the same exact time.  They should avoid sugar and the most obvious solution:  take away the knives and sword.  

  4. i have ADHD and i know right from wrong  but only when i take  my meds hope this helps=)

  5. ADHD

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

    I've had ADHD all my life. Little things can cause outbreaks like that (I take medicine so it's not that bad, but it still happens). We do know right from wrong, however certain situations put us in a hysterical attack or physical hitting, kicking, etc.. This however is not an excuse for his behavior. His parents really need to discipline him. I suggest you look it up and can read more about it. One medicine I took when I was young was lamotrigine. It helps those outbreaks, common mood swings, and overall a mood stabilizer.  

  6. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity, I do not see where the children do NOT understand right from wrong. Perhaps, the children are lacking parental guidance. I would state to the parents you will call CPS to do some investigating as to why she is neglecting the healthcare needs of her children as it is causing disturbances on the street. Also, call law enforcement if the darn kids are running around with knives.

  7. heres the thing they do know rite from worng they now a lot its just that they cant help it their urges out power their will so like is they sitting in a car one will prbebly smack the other no because they want to its just that they need to

  8. This sounds more like the children run that household.  Parents need to enforce the rules and boundaries and don't change them.  Kids learn love and security from the boundaries that don't move.  My brother has ADHD and autism and you better believe he knows right from wrong, of course he doesnt know how to express his anger like other children but he does know right from wrong and what gets him a time out.  

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