
About a month ago I found my 11 yr old sister in the closet dead?

by  |  earlier

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I was babysitting her and she was txting and on bebo. One minute she was happy and then she ran off to her room and locked her door. And she was crying really bad. So I rang mum andd dad and they came home. Dad unlocked the door and she wasn't in the room so we looked around and I opened the closet and she had hung herself. And its my fault because i didn't stop her. Now i feel suicidal because i put my family through so much pain!!!!




  1. Do not put the blame on yourself. Its not your fault.

    Im so sorry for your loss.

  2. Well, you know texting and bebo. That can be really rough. People can be really harsh especially on the internet and through text messages. She decided to do what she did for some reason. If someone was making rude comments or bullying her over the internet or over the phone, that's just wrong all together. But something made her do what she did and you know what it isn't your fault no matter how much you think it is, it isn't because of something she felt. You honestly couldn't do anything about it. She locked herself in the room.

    It's really sad what happened, but you can't blame yourself for her actions no matter how bizarre/scary/tragic they are.

    Hope that helps :)

    I'm very sorry for your loss.

  3. omg i am really sorry.. i dont think its your fault bcos she locked her door you cant do much to help her.. but u have to find out what caused her to do such a crazy thing.. really sorry anyway its over just get on with life its not ur fault

  4. DON'T do that to yourself or to your parents. They have already lost one child and if you did the same thing think how much that would destroy them. they need you as much as you need them so don't think for a second it's your fault. She would have tried doing it some other time if it wasn't for that night ..once someone has set there mind to ending there life it usually doesn't change and they are content which there choice. Just be there for your parents!!

  5. You need to realise that you played NO part in her death. It wasn't your fault at any means. You probably thought she had just run to her room to get some space, just like anyone else would have thought. If your parents blame you for this they're probably just grieving.

    Out of anyone, YOU should know what pain your sister killing herself has caused. So don't cause anymore pain by ending YOUR life.

    Stay strong and I wish you all the best.

  6. Honey, I understand that you feel it's your fault, but it really isn't.  You didn't know that she was going to do that or you would have stopped her.  If you were to kill yourself too, how do you think your parents would feel then?  You feel like you put them through too much pain?  What about losing both kids?  It really wasn't your fault.

  7. omg.

    I'm so sorry.

    you can't blame yourself for your sister's death though honestly..

    my cousin did this when an 18 wheeler hit her her and killed her sister.

    just talk to your sister through your prayers.


  8. i'm so sorry :(

    it's not actually your fault, had your parents been at home what would they do?  11 yr is the year of great change, everything upsets them easily, they start thinking everyone's against them, they start watching dramas, etc, etc .. she actually was your responsibility then but everyone knows you did everything you could and you're the one who regrets it the most... don't let anyone blame you.. she could have done it any moment..  

  9. i am really sorry for r sister but dont be soo hard on urself. go to church and pray to god and he will help u get out of the misery u are in!

    pray tht ur sis in a better place now!

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