
About a month ago I had a dream?

by Guest32528  |  earlier

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I actually enjoyed this dream it was scary as scary gets. Its hard now to recall all the details but for some reason I remember it. I was in a hallway with closed doors all the way along it. Everything was pretty normal and it was just a building. I started in one end of the hallway and walked in the only open door, a old lady stood their and she asked me to look for her son I think. She said he was acting weird and was not himself so I started by looking under an old bed that was in the room and their wasn't much else in the room. While I looked under the bed i heard an odd noise behind me I looked and the old lady had turned into some grotesque zombie thing. So I shot her with a revolver I somehow acquired. I then went into the hall and all the lights were out except for one at the wall wear I originally started. The whole hallway was dark and really long and I figured really full of zombies. So I walked real slow checking all my corners and any doors that had somehow opened and shot a bunch of zombies in the process. It was really graphic the halls were a rusty brown ontop of the original blue wallpaper that was their before it all went to h**l. Kinda like how silent hill looked. I was scared like never before but I still went forward. I woke up and I never did get to the end of the hall I just woke up for no reason. The thing I noticed most was the revolver I had in the dream it was shiny chrome and I actually counted my shots and reloaded between zombies. It even made a sharp click when I closed it after reloading. I made sure I always had 6 shots whenever possible it was so real. It looked better than bioshock on high graphics. I didn't want it to stop I wanted to see what was at the end of the hallway but never got there.

So have you ever had a completely vivid dream like this and do you think these dreams mean anything. If this dream has any meaning I think it might be that I am moving in the only direction I can move and their alot of scary challenges on the way to the end of the tunnel.

That sound about right?




  1. hey that's a crazy dream you had...i have wicked dreams too sometimes and have read about interpreting...i think you are the best person to decipher because symbology is personal so i think your analogy is probably better than any ones Else's guess...try to think about how that might relate to whats happening in your life right now and it might make more sense...if it has nothing to do with your life and is completely irrelevant maybe try renting comedies for a while :)

  2. You may be playing too many violent video games, nevertheless, that you dream THIS dream and n ot another also  indicates that you feel persecuted in real life.  You feel someone is "on your case."  This simply manifests itself that way in the dream.


  3. :):):):):):):)):):):):):):):):):):):):):...

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