
About a year ago, i had a hysterectomy. Since then, I have put on some unwanted weight. What can I do?

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I have really put some weight on since my hysterectomy and I don't eat very much and move alot. What advice would anyone have as to what to do to get my body back in control?? Help from a woman who has been thru this, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hot Flash Annie LOL




  1. Oh Hot Flash Annie (LOL) welcome to the club!!!! LOL

    You do not say if you had a complete hyster with a BSO-but I take it you are not on any estrogen products, otherwise you would not be having the hot flashes.

    I had mine in 2000 and had those hot flashes until last year and every once in awhile they still creep up on me.

    Your body is going through menopause and I also gained a lot of weight. You can try to eat 5 small meals a day and never skip breakfast, .this is most important.

    The only thing I could suggest is healthy diet-with Acidophilus 5 billion, milk free with FOS, this will help with the digestive system.Also a diet rich in fruit & veg.  I also found that yoga and meditation has helped me a lot, and light aerobics, the more you do heavy exercise the more you have the hot flashes so you can do some belly dancing, hula dancing, this will help and is a lot of fun. Good luck to you, this too will pass in time.

  2. I went through the same thing about a year ago and I also gained weight I went on a healthy diet you can go to your doctor they can get you in to see a nutritionist who can help you eat the right things at the right time and I started a work out routine at curves I have lost 30 pounds so far I have another twenty or so to go before I am at my goal good luck hope this is help full

  3. best thing you can do is make little changes,anything drastic atm will send you back to your old ways with a few pounds etc!

    try staying away from processed c**p,foods high in sat fats and sugars!

    eat more tuna,chicken,rice,potatoes,veg(not too many)

    and as your body starts feeling healthyier,you will have more energy to exercise,why not go swimming for an hour,exercise without pain when you swim!

    i love it!

    if you have a dog just walk for half hour before bed,

    just make little changes!

    and goodluck x

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