
About a year ago i o'd and took 17 tylenol pm, is it possible i'll have liver damage?

by  |  earlier

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i o'd. my doctor said tylenol pm works at a slow pace, and they wasn't anything they could do about it now, but is it possible ill have liver damage? i have really bad insomnia, i have frequent pains in my abdomnial daily, and i get random bruises. am i overreacting? i remember puking up different colors, red, orange, green, and yellow. that was acids i believe.




  1. No. You may have had some liver damage at that time, but your liver has an amazing capacity to repair itself, and by now, there should be no traces of injury.

  2. As long as you are not still taking it like this you should be fine.  Does your doctor know about the O.D.  If not you should really discuss it with him.  He will be able to help you.  As far as the pain now, it is unlikly it is related but I would have that evaluated.  Anytime your body is experiencing odd pains you have it checked out expecially if you have a prevous history.  Get help please!

  3. 17 Tylenol PM is about 8.5g of raw tylenol, at this dosage, it is very possible to have at least temporary liver damage. While they cannot purge the drug from your system, there are supportive measures to lessen the damage. At this dose you may not permanently damage your liver, it depends on your body weight and internal chemistry. You probably haven't killed the organ entirely, but you may have injured it enough to reduce its function. The liver can regenerate, but it takes many months for it to do so.

    The red and orange vomit indicate blood present(usually). This can be serious, as it would mean bleeding in your GI tract.

    Edit, misread the time frame.

    Tylenol overdose is usually a suicide attempt, unexplained pain and insomnia are symptoms of psychiatric distress, you should get yourself evaluated in that respect as soon as possible.

  4. It is possible to have caused liver damage, tylenol is liver toxic, but a year later it is unlikely to be the cause for your abdominal pain- unless you still take it repeatedly and drink alcohol.  The liver is a remarkable organ with its power of regeneration.  If you are worried about your liver, get some milk thistle/silymarin tablets.  Its really good for your liver and can reduce liver inflammation (which if left untreated can lead to more serious conditions such as cirrhosis etc).  If you do drink, give it up for a while so your liver can heal.

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