
About abortion...?

by  |  earlier

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now, nobody get offended and start a long rant about your "pro choice/life" beliefs, this isn't about that

i'm a young women and the topic of abortion come up frequently in class discussions and in the media and such.

one thing that bothers me is how men can vote on this subject. it bothers me beause abortion in no way affects men and should NEVER be the mans decition. i understand that emotionally, if they want to keep the baby and the women doesn't it can affect them, but they aren't the onces having to push an eight pound mass out of their v****a.

i guess i basically find it extremely unfair that people who would NEVER in their life have to go through something, can force that onto someone else. like if in someway men went through the same thing then i can understand, but they dont and wont have any idea what childbirth is like, physically or emotionally

by the way i didn't say what way on the issue i stood, its just about what i wrote.




  1. I'm pro-choice but I think that if you don't want the man to have a say about his child than you shouldn't get pregnant in the first place.  We want them to support their children but they can't say whether that child should be born??? It's not their fault that they can't give birth they aren't the ones to design the human race, but if the woman has a child against their wishes they have to support it so why shouldn't they get a say in whether it lives or not????  Think things through fairly if you want them to support you when you do have a child.

  2. Because it is a societal issue.It goes beyond gender.And morals are never neutral.Laws are designed for both genders.Doesn't matter whose body it is.

  3. I think your stance on the issue came out loud and clear. <g>

    Certainly your opinion is the law of the land.  What I find interesting about the Supreme Court's decision is that they at first did not say that it was solely a women's absolute right but because there were so many varying ideas about when person-hood occurred the USSC felt it was a decision of conscience that should be solely that of the woman.  

    The USSC also recognized that  advances in technology might in the future limit this right.  

    All of this makes a certain amount of sense, but from a legal POV it certainly has caused problems with other values to which our country pays lip service .  Equality before the law certainly has suffered because the two people responsible for the pregnancy do not have equal standing before the law.  The male cannot say he wants the child if the woman decides to abort, which might given the argument that it is the woman who has to carry the child to term. is somewhat understandable However, the converse makes no sense and is certainly not fair.  If it is solely the woman's right to abort, why should the man have any responsibility for raising the child if he does not want a child if she chooses not to abort?

    If a woman has an absolute right to kill her child, why arbitrarily draw the line at birth?  Peter Singer, IIRC a Professor at Princeton, believes that the parent should have the right to euthanize up to a at least a month after birth.  And again, the advocates of this policy have taken the medical name for the developmental period the child is in ["neonatal"] and then used the name to dehumanize the child.

    Shoot why stop there.  Children remember very little before three or four how human can they be if they have no memories?   Using  Singer's logic why not extend the time period when a parent can kill upward?

    If you think this is just ranting, read the legal arguments for not only assisted suicide but euthanasia and see how much of Roe v Wade and other abortion decisions are used to justify taking the lives of the old, infirm, and defenseless.

    The Netherlands has decriminalized euthanasia,  By conservative estimates somewhere  between 12 and 20% of those euthanized were done so without their consent.  here is a link:

    I am not anti-abortion.  I just think Freedom of Choice does not mean Abortion on d


  4. I also think that the only people who should be allowed to vote on abortion are the people who are capable of having one!!

  5. If as women we want the right to vote on all issues, having to do with all issues, then we cannot choose which ones a man cannot vote on. Abortion affects not only us as women but it does have an affect on men as well.  Child birth is an  experience that men do not get to have and I don't see it as a chore that you seem to make it out to be, rather I see it as a gift. Think about it,,,we as women give life...How wonderful of a thing that is!!! In saying this I am  pro choice Thanks to the women before me fighting for my right to have a voice,,,, I dont think they would like it if we tried to take someone elses voice away. ...Men of course do not have abortion nor do they give birth...but I do like the idea that some men are on my side...As men and  women are in this world together we are in the fight together as well.

  6. I'll be honest with you.  I have made the decision twice in my life and I know it was right, the 2nd time.  The first guy told me it was my decision and do what I want (i found out later because he wanted it to be MY decision), I thought it was his decision and then found out later he was upset.  The second time, God did I dodge a bullet.  I think they should have an intelligent opinion, but if they are incapable of giving one, do it yourself!

  7. As unfair as it may be, the baby is his creation too and so I believe that the man should at least be considered when making a final decision.  I couldn't imagine if someone destroyed something I created, without at least hearing my feelings on the issue.  Bottom line:  if you're going to have s*x, you should be prepared to deal with the consequences - together.  

    Pro-life - that's where I stand.
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