
About adoption.........?

by  |  earlier

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at what age should a child be told he or she is adopted ? please help, i really need to know .




  1. Right away when you think they will be able to understand!

    You don't want to let it go to long or it feels like betrayal to the child.

  2. does a child really know that he/she is adopted?  i mean unless there's clearly a race difference where it's obvious that the child isn't biologically yours? and i have known i was adopted since the day i was adopted cuz i was old enough to know and i had to go to court for it.

  3. From day one (using age-appropriate language).  But then not again on day three, four, five, six...  just when discussing family issues, etc.

  4. I think you should be honest from the start.

  5. Dear O,

    From birth.


    If the child is a bit older, at the time of adoption.


    If the child old enough, prior to being adopted.

  6. The child should always know. They should grow up knowing. If it is hidden untill they are older they will feel lied to and isolated but if it is common knowledge as they are growing up then it shouldn't be much of a problem.

    I've always known I was adopted and I'm very happy for it. :)

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