I've met a woman in PI. She was raped by a man and became pregnant. She had his son and later married him to legitimize her son. He left her almost 7 years ago to go live with another woman. He never helped her in anyway at all. He just abandoned her and his son. Now he wants to remarry but since he's heard of me he wants me to pay for the annulment! I want to go visit her but she's been told he intends to hire someone to take pictures of us together and present them to the court. I don't want her or me either for that matter to get arrested for adultery! The situation seems so un-fair but I guess I shouldn't expect justice anywhere in this world. By what I've learned I better not go see her, help her and her son, but this just seems so un-fair, especially to her. I've told her I will come be with her but how can I if I know she could get in trouble?
Any Advise?