Right basically, i was going out with a lovely guy round christmas til after valantines day so it didnt last very long because i was having problems with an ex he was unaware of.
anyways, a few months ago, i got back in touch and old him the truth of why i went so quiet and we became good friends again. i began dating my now boyfriend and things were nice. i was reguarly chatting with my ex and my boyfriend was cool about it as he liked him.
recently, my boyfriend became very quiet and i am still unsure of why this is, but he knows i am here for him and im keeping an eye on him as i know he has suffered depression in the past.
howeveer, last week my ex came over to hang out etc and he announced 'he didnt want us to get back together' which i knew and neither do i, but then we kissed.
i love my boyfriend and i think he knows what happend, but is ok with it because he knows things have been hard for both of us lately. that doesnt mean what i did was right i know.
my ex then went very quiet. he had left his keys at my house but keeps putting off coming and getting them. he wont talk to me. i dont understand what is wrong. the problem is, i know when he comes over it will be the last time i see him as he is to go to uni so it would be upsetting. i wont ever see him again and we do have a bond and friends.
so....do i persist on seeing him to give him his keys or send them with a goodbye letter?
thank you i just dont know.