
About applying for passports and how.?

by Guest59317  |  earlier

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Yes i am fixing to go to puerto rico on september 23, but my friend told me in order to go you have to have a passport, but i dont have one and where do i go to apply for one and how much does it cost to buy it.




  1. Are you an American citizen?  If you are, you do not need a passport to travel to Puerto Rico.  It is a territory of the U.S. and you may travel to any U.S. territory just like travel ling to another state.  if you want a passport for other travel, see site below for all application info.  On 2nd site, scroll down to where it says,\"Specific  populations and situations" in red letters and read about U.S. territories there

  2. I believe you can just go down to the post office and they can give you an application. at least they do that in my town.

    it costs about a hundred dollars though.

  3. You didn't say where you are from, so I will give you info for US & Canada:  for US for Canada

    Hope this helps and enjoy your trip!

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