
About augmentation....?

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One of the side effects of breast augmentation is the lack of sensitivity in the nipple area, something we don't hear too much about. What is the purpose of this, if it destroys sensation? Hypothetically, if men were to have penile augmentation and the procedure destroyed sensitivity, would they have the procedure anyway, as so many woman do?




  1. Because we still have the ability to feel sensations in our va-jays. Thats where sensitivity really matters.

  2. When I was younger, I wanted to get bigger, perkier b*****s. Actually, I obsessed with it for a long time. That was when I  was a mindless follower. Back then, I hated my own b*****s because they did not look like the b*****s that we all see on tv and in magazines. As a matter of fact, I hated my whole body for the same reasons. There wasn't one part of my body that I wouldn't have changed, if I, magically, could have somehow.

    Thankfully, I came across a book that changed my life for the better :) "The Beauty Myth". It made me realize that, well, "beauty", they kind they sell us, is just a myth, and the fact that I wanted to go through the pain of altering my perfectly healthy b*****s just so I could feel better about myself was completely irrational behavior. The "beauty" that we see on tv, magazines, etc.. never changes. I mean, we all know exactly what that "beauty" looks like. So much so, that we can point right to it when we see it in. "Here Doctor, I want to look just like this." Most people can't even decide what they want to eat for lunch, yet they know exactly what they want to look like? Yes, women know exactly what "beauty" is, what it looks like, and what the punishment is for not having it.

    The thing is though, real beauty changes constantly. The beauty that they shove down our throats is fake beauty, hence the myth. Real beauty is not all the same like they want us to think. Real beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It can't be measured like the height of something. Beauty is everywhere and anywhere. Beauty is not restricted to cookie cut outs of the same face,body,hair. That is just not what beauty is. Beauty is to too vast to be defined in such narrow and unchanging terms.

    Furthermore, I feel that these issues don't even have anything to do with women vs. men. That is all just a part of the big distraction they create(smoke screen, "Don't look behind the curtains"), so we citizens, who have the illusion of being free, don't see who the real enemy is, which is, them, Big Business. (Who runs our Government by the way.) Big Business doesn't care about loss of sensitivity to nipples. They care about $$$$$$$$. No matter what happens to us, Big Business still gets paid. Oh, and if they lose a customer due to complications which resulted in death? They are like, "Well, just look over there. There are twenty-five potential new customers in that first grade class room alone. No, they don't have breast now, but in a few years they will; so, let's start convincing them, right now, that they will not like their breast, no matter what they look like, when they get them. Then they will be begging their parent's to buy them some new b*****s before they even graduate high school. Oh, win,win,win for us."

    When we buy b*****s, Big Business wins,wins,wins. Never mind what  happens to you or me or our daughters. Even though, in order for us to "win", we must lose money, lose some perfectly healthy body parts, lose our dignity, lose our self worth, and lose all of our logic and rationality. And unfortunately, there are the people, whom are so weak minded, that even after you explain all of this to them, they still identify with the enemy, and think that all women wanting the same big,round,perky b*****s are normal healthy desires for people to have. This is because they have BOUGHT in to the distraction. The women vs. men distraction.  "Women, go please your men." "Men, you like big b*****s." Meanwhile, you look out your back window and chirp,chirp...chirp,chirp. Like Bill Hicks said "Where is this **** happing?" In reality, what a woman looks like is low on the list of things men want out of their a partners. That is obvious by just looking around us. Not on tv, but by looking at our neighbors; our families; real people. The only people who are following the rigid rules and standards, set for us by Big Business, are the mindless followers, who can't think for themselves. They are the one's who punish themselves and  every one else for not being what Big Business needs us to be. In a sense they are like goons working for Big Business, just that they are not getting paid for it, and it actually costs them to be that way, hence they have BOUGHTEN it.

    Finally, to all you women out there who think your b*****s are just there for looking at, you had better check them things again. If you knew what those babies could really do, as far as sexual pleasure goes, you would NAME THEM. lol

  3. I don't think it can be compared to the p***s. Afterall my b***s are lovely to look at but that's about it. The clitoris is the female version of the p***s, and I don't any woman would jeopardise that! I'd rather cut off both legs, I imagine most men would feel the same about their p***s.

  4. Well for 1) if that is the case then I would not do it and 2) I see here many saying comparison is not really accurate but be that here or there I take your point and actually I would say that if all things being equal it was a male surgery rather than female I do not think a lot of men would do it.

         We're just not wired that way most of the time..I dunno if it is upbringing or genetics or what, and i know there would be men that would do it, but overall i don't think it would be common

  5. The comparison is not the same.  You most likely would not notice an augmentation on a clothed man, though you do notice it on a clothed woman.  

    Not saying that makes it worth it, but hypothetically, that's why I wouldn't.

  6. Some people only think about looks so they don't even ask questions about anything except how will it look.

  7. Considering augmentation makes it very difficult to detect breast cancer, I'd say there is not good reason for it at all. Keep 'em small and enjoyable. Guys might like big ones, but in the end, they're just b***s.

  8. A lot of men could use penile augmentation but even more than that they could use...brain augmentation.

    Women suffer this because they actually know how superficial men are and they we are driven by physical appearance more than cerebral exercise such as sensitivity, consideration and enthusiasm.

  9. Of course men wouldn't-- and why the h**l would they consider that?  What's women still going on with their procedure have anything to do with men? When women start paying men for s*x then more men may contemplate p augments/ even with loss sensitivity.

  10. No,I would never give up any feeling of sensation and pleasure just to be bigger.I'm happy with what I have and have never had any complaints anyways.Besides I never understood why women get bigger b*****s anyways,I prefer the natural look on a woman anyways.

  11. Well it is a very small amount that it happens to, and it is usually temporary, either way women will do what they want to do regardless of the side effects..

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