
About birth control timing?

by  |  earlier

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If I started on a Sunday at 10:45, then regulate to a normal time at 7:30 the next day, but slipped up and took at at 8:00 on the third day, is that going to be a serious problem?




  1. Not really. If you mis your pill - please follow all instructions introduced below

  2. i take birth control they said its ok to change your time when you take them and they told me that i didnt always have to take them at the sametime everyday like i had took one at 11am in the morning and then when the next day comes i took it again at 11am they told me i didnt have to take it at the sametime everyday. Or unless you are taking different type of birth control than me. Bu to be on the safe side call your doctor.

  3. It shouldn't be... but you should talk to your Gynecologist about it.

    The "pill" works best when you keep it on the schedule. However, some Doctor's believe that if it taken "Around" the same time of day it can be just as effective. Of course, may of the manufactures of the "pill" disagree with this. They believe it works best on a 24 hour cycle.

    You could see a surge in hormones if you continually  miss manage your time schedule. (I can not even tell you how many times I have done this as well!) Since in essence you are "Simulating" a pregnancy by taking the pill. Taking your body off the hormone, even for an hour or two, can send you "SCREAMING" into a hormonal episode.  (It a a little side effect that they don't always tell you about it.)

  4. you better ask your doctor..but i think yes..its possible you need to be careful if you dont want to get pregnant..

  5. No actually it doesnt matter when you take them.  You actually can take the whole month on the first day all at once if you want and it will work fine.

  6. I don't think so, I take it within a few hours of each other and have been for about seven years and it's always worked.

  7. no your fine, i asked my doctor about this before i started. The real reason you take the pill at the same time everyday is just so you get in a habit of remembering to take it. So long as you take it everyday, your fine.

  8. no, I used to take it right before bed whether that was from 7pm to 9pm to 10pm. As long as you take it once a day around the same like 12 hours, its fine. Even if you accidently forget it one day just start up regularly the next day.

    PS: Do not listen to the guy above!!! ^^^^ Do not take it all at once. It would cause serious problems that may even include putting you in the hospital.

  9. Might be but check with ur Dr.

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