
About bulling at work?

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I am spanish and my boss keeps talking about immigrants and how they are allowed to live in England. She is been saying that they should go back to their country because they only come here to steal money and commit crime. Then she has a go at me on how to do things. She gets very picky and nasty for silly reasons. I work in a school kitchen and she gets nastier when i get on with the children and thank them for their help. She gets in the way when my daughter comes for her dinner or brings the plate back so i cant talk to her. She shouted at me once for taking my daughter's plate because she was told to eat the potatoes and she didnt want to eat them. It's humiliating when she shouts at me in fron of the teachers or the children. We are only 5 in the kitchen. I dont know if i should complain to a higher level of the company or not, since she would know who complaint. Anyway I am leaving soon, should i tell her what i think of her on my last day?




  1. I'm sorry that you've had to deal with this obvious ignorance.  It sickens me that people could be so rude and uncaring.  

    If I were you I would definitely complain to the higher ups.  She should not be in a position of authority if she lacks basic human respect.  If you complain, you could be saving others from  having to face this treatment.  

    I would also writer a letter to the school board.  Contact an agency that helps immigrants...I'm from the US so I don't know if this would apply to your country though.

    Also, I would personally tell her off on your last day.  You deserve to be respected!  Good luck to you.

  2. You have to make a complaint, stop this from happening to anyone else who works for her, and why wait until then i say when she should at you or makes a comment about immigrants you tell her, it is you- an immigrant doing the work she cannot be bothered to do or cannot do for herself and without people like you she would be nowhere, she cannot fire you for arguing back as she would have to say why and then she would land herself in it.

  3. I would inform the schools head teacher, however I would not waste my time telling her what you think as she will only say it is because you are Spanish and add fuel to her fire.

    P.S we Brits are not all like her I for one love living in a multicultural society,

  4. Sounds like your boss is very unprofessional, not to mention ignorant. I hate people like that. Since you're leaving, you pretty much have nothing to lose, before you leave, you should definitely mention this to someone at a higher position especially if she has said something deragatory to you. This way maybe she won't do the same thing to someone like you in the future. Other than that, I would say leave and never look back  :) Hope this helped Good Luck!

  5. we do have laws to protect employees from this sort of abuse. write a really good letter of complaint to the next senior member of staff and include dates, times, who was present etc.... also keep a diary of everything she says/ does that is offensive and abusive. do not use your last day as an opportunity to have a go at her, because that would make you as bad as her and only reinforce her biggoted oppinions

  6. You should definately tell the higher ups.  Otherwise she'll continue to treat people this way.

  7. this is sad but NEVER say your bit as you leave. its wise not to burn bridges. a similar thing happened to a friend of mine with sexual harrassment, she thought no one would believe her over her supervisor, so she didn't make an official complaint. she resigned and on her last day, another colleague confided that she had made a complaint but the company wanted 2 or more to start an investigation. she rang the company the following week, but they would not take her complaint as she already left and the girl who was still there was devastated. so yes, i think you should complain to HR/personnel department (or possibly the person that interviewed/hired you?)

  8. Let it go.You are leaving,and I don't think many people these days understand how adversely the majority has been impacted by the Marxist ploy of multiculturalism and unchecked immigration.It doesn't excuse her behavior,but there's little point in engaging in vain babblings at this point.

  9. Can't agree more
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