
About charities and donation?

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Hi, I'm looking for some information about charities and donation. Im looking for something international, community development, protecting the environment, some new technology that is helping the world for us. something that is helping the world and make it a better place for us to live.

does anyone know any information about these?

can you give me some information and how do i search for these?




  1. There is no one organization doing all of those things.

    I like CARE International because it's focused on building the capacities of women and girls in poor countries, giving them access to education and jobs. Studies have shown that if you help women in a community, the *entire* community benefits (give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, you feed him for life, teach a woman to fish, the entire community gets to eat). I also like them because they work through local NGOs.

    I also like, for similar reasons.

    Barefoot College ( is doing a lot of innovative things regarding new and environmentally-friendly technology to protect the environment in developing countries and to help build the capacities of local people to manage this technology themselves.

    Also try searching the Development Gateway, for information on thousands of different organizations and initiatives:

  2. go to

  3. I agree, is a great resource.

    Personally my charities (besides locals) are Heifer International and Kiva.

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