
About clinical psychology?

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Hi,I am a psychology/molecular biology major and I am a Junior in University.

I have 3 questions about clinical psychology.

First, what is the course requirement in undergraduate to get into clinical psychology program?

Second, what is the real difference between Psy.D an Ph.D?

and last, Is there any advantage of double majoring? Actually my GPA for psycholgy is 4.0, but it is very low for MCB. Would it be better for me to major just in psychology? Or would it be better double majoring?




  1. 1)  you would have to talk to your university

    2)  PsyD = doctorate of psychology aka psychiatrist

         PhD = doctorate of philosophy (this is just about any other non-medical/mental health doctor)

         MD = medical doctor

    3)  If you plan to go to grad school, I can see the 2 syncing up very well.  but it really depends on what you want to do.  if you're into research, i would double major.  you would have a definite advantage knowing so much biology.  if you want to practice, then there's really no reason other than broadening your education... if you have the time and resources, why not?  really depends on what you want to do in the long term.

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