
About companies in the india.. why all companies concentrating in indai only? why not others?

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About companies in the india.. why all companies concentrating in indai only? why not others?




  1. In a nut shell - India has an educated work force that speaks English.

  2. Peoples who r educated, willing to work more and less pay. All makes these companies look into India....

  3. Because India is an developing country.

  4. Its not every business man concentrating India alone.

    Its quite common that every one move                                        * towards the untapped potential

    * Purchase power is getting increased

    * Skilled man power at lesser cost for outsourcing.

    * trading policy is flexible

  5. Who said so? In these days of Globalisation Indian companies are looking  suitable foreiogn places to do business.

  6. Dear Mr. Naga,

    very interesting question after a long gap, hence you deserve a star.

    This modern age belongs to Multinational Companies, who are always looking for new market to expand their Business and Trade. In more Countries they establish their base, more Global control. This is called market base.

    In present day free trade age every one looking at the new markets where they want to control major market share. You are aware that the new Century belongs to China and India. Both are the fastest growing Economy in the World. The combined population is nearly makes 60% of World population. Both are on race to reach the top by end of the 2020. Due to growing economy the purchasing power of the people is also growing strong. This makes the market more attractive to other World leaders.

    As the invester is also concerned about their investment, they always look towords the safe Country. Though China has a very potential market, and though the Country is Republic, many investors are still feel it very risky to invest in China, as the policy is made and controlled by the Communist leaders. But in case of India, the Country is real Republic in nature, and the people have tendency to accept the new things with open heart. The Democracy here is considered as the safest for the investors. Literacy rate is excellent, earnings by them is excellent and growing. Purchasing power has grown and still growing. All these aspects are considered by the Foreign investors to flock to India, hence the rise in their presence, every day. This trend will continue for at least another 3-4 decades or the saturation of market, which ever is earlier.

    Hope you are clarified.

  7. my answer is, why concentrate to others when you can do it in your own country

    atleast money in your country will not go to other country

    one example of this is Saudi Arabia, they have oil industry, so they were concentrating with their own resources.

    I guess your government is doing the right job, instead of getting it from others, why not produced it by yourself

  8. India has great potential in the Global market just now.

    The West has reached a saturation point somewhere. They need more market.

    There is a boom in the economy. The Market has opened up. It is new and young. There is a lot of potential.

    People are educated and able to be trained. And what is not working in the West, they are sending to India.

    I can go on and on...

  9. its simple

    because they see a market for their products and services in india.

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