
About curved spine fix to increase height?

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i noticed my spine is quite curved, especially bottom part, like especially during gym i noticed my other friends don't have too much of a curve while i do, i did go see doc n said i could do like yoga or pilates to maybe make it less curved, cause he thinks im like an inch or two shorter than supposed to be due to the curved spine, but other than that he doesnt know anything else to fix it, whats ur guys take on this?




  1. Is the spine curved laterally (from side to side) or depth-wise (from front to back)?  If it's curved laterally, it's probably a case of scoliosis.  If it's depth-wise (like a very inner lower back), then's it's probably lordosis.  

    I'm a bit suprised the doctor didn't make this diagnosis.  I would make an appointment with an orthopaedic surgeon just to be safe - they specialize in problems with the spine.  Depending on the degree of the curve, the surgeon can recommend the best therapy - it's it's minimal, he'll probably say it's not a big deal and you'll be fine.  If the curve is significant, he may recommend wearing a brace to help straighten it out.  In the extreme case, surgery may be needed.

    Yoga and pilates may be helpful - it's good to be in good physical shape.  Also, you may want to also consider hanging upside down - get a pair of gravity boots and hang on a bar.  That could really help your spine to decompress.  Another thing you could do is start swimming - it's great exercise (total body) and it's especially good for your spine becaue there's no weight-bearing (because of the buoyancy of the water).

    But, I think the first thing you should do is to make an appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon.

    Good luck.

  2. talk to a different doctor.  try a chiropractor.  

  3. I am a CMA

    It sounds like you have Scoliosis and there is nothing that can be done for that... I am surprised that a physician would tell you yoga or Pilate's would help you.. They will not help your spine straighten itself out..

  4. i am short as well, and waiting for people to post about this issue. i might have a back problem that cud make me at least an inch taller, but idk how to start or what to do. thanx for asking this. =]

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