
About deforestation-?

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Deforestation is an international problem:

How is it affecting:

global temperature and rainfall in equatorial areas?




  1. Well both things are kinda linked actually, the big problem is obviously global warming, as there's less photosynethisis and so less co2 is absorb and so you get the green house effect, thus rise in the global tempreture, this is mainly hapening in Brazil and Indonesia such as malaysia. As he Earth gets warmer there's going to be more evapotransparation and so leads to heavier rain fall, global warming can also lead to tropical revoving stroms that also bring rain to specific area.

    Deforestation also affect rainfall by cutting down the stores, such as uptake by plants and interception and so there's going to be surface run off, and so the water will get into the river quickly, thus reducing the chances of evaporation, so rainfall will probably decrease, deforestaion is also usually linked with urbanisation, which means more cars, factories etc which lead to an increase in tempreature, pollutoon from cities also increase nucleation particles in the atmosphere in the area, so that area will experience more rain fall.

    That's all i can think of, hope that helps!!! sorry for the bad spelling!!

  2. Because less and less trees will mean more and more heat won't be reflected upon and will cause higher temperatures.

  3. The trees are no longer there to take in carbon dioxide as they photosynthesise.

    Therefore there is more carbon dioxide in the air which is a greenhouse gas.

    The carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere and traps some of the suns rays that try to re-radiate back of the earth into space.

    This causes the earth to heat up.

  4. Deforestation, a term invented by the greening-tree hugging leftist enviro nut cases, is something that happens naturally, and by design, to aid man in living better. If there is in fact a problem,  it is most likely in the mind of the above group.  Look, here is the problem.  What your are hypothesizing, that deforestation has a cause and effect globally or locally are purely subjective, and cannot be measured.  If it cannot be measured, how can it be studied adequately?  I would refer you to a Statement made by Zen Laio, the lead climatologist for NOAA's hurricane center, when he released the organizations prediction of weather patterns and their cause "this information is for scientific discourse and should not be utilized by the public to predict weather conditions in any of the areas covered by the forecast."  Most of the organizations who foster the term 'deforestation' have an agenda that political, not scientific.  What is that agenda?  That is another question.
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