
About dog food??????????

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is it true that to help a dog digest its food even though not on package that they put lyme stone or lyme rock in there food when its made i was told that they do..... please help!!!!!! answer or tell me how to find out for sure




  1. No.  All ingredients are on the package.  However some ingredients are misleading.  For example "chicken meal" and "by products" are not nice things.  Think "brain matter, spinal tissue and ground bone from animals which may or may not have been healthy when slaughtered".  Think "stuff I would not want to eat".  When you read "bone meal" realize there is no specification as to what sort of animals provided the bone.  Could be dogs.  Dogs are not cannibalistic.  

    Buy only quality dog food and read the ingredients.  Do not go into your local convenient store and buy the cheapest thing you can find.    

  2. AAFCO Feed Ingredients

    Limestone is often used to get correct ratios of calcium and phosphorus in manufactured foods.

    Other ways for limestone to appear in AAFCO terms:

    Limestone, Ground

    Limestone, Magnesium or Dolomitic

    Magnesium Carbonate

    Magnesium Chloride

    Magnesium Hydroxide

    Magnesium Phosphate

    Magnesium Oxide

    Magnesium Mica

    Magnesium Sulfate

    Manganese Acetate

    Manganese Carbonate

    Manganese Chloride

    Manganese Citrate (Soluble)

    Manganese Gluconate

    Manganese Phosphate

    Manganese Phosphate (dibasic)

    Manganese Sulfate

    Manganese Oxide

  3. just feed wellness or natures variety raw instincts.

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