
About drinkinggggggggg

by  |  earlier

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well , kay last time i got really drunk and i got really sick , and yeah why is it when i drink a little now that i feel so sick ? like , even when i smell it i get nauseous .




  1. OK, well psycosomatic means an illness caused by stress.

    How long did you wait between getting really sick and drinking again?

    I did this about 4 months ago.  It took me 3 months to be able to drink anything again.  It was like learning how to drink again.  I still haven't been drunk since, however.  

    Your body is just reminding you that alcohol is what got you so sick last time, and it thinks the best way is just to block all alcohol consumption. Give it time, your body will lets its guard down eventually.  Start slow!!  If you get sick again after starting, you can be d**n sure it will take a lot longer until you can drink again.  You can also just force yourself to drink, I know some of my friends have done this after getting sick.  It seems to work for them.  h**l, my friend drank for 3 days straight, woke up wicked sick, puked, then started drinking again that night.

  2. My first response is to say you just cant take alcohol, but at second glance, it sounds psychosomatic. If I were you, I would probably ask my doctor.

    P.S. To a later poster, I am fully aware of the definition of psychosomatic. =/

  3. Your body is telling you it is tired of you pouring that poison into it. Heed warnings. I too was like this and I quit cold turkey 6 months ago and I feel great.  Listen to your brain, at least give it a try to dry out.

  4. you probally simple aint a drinker,

    let me guess the last time it was kinda rushed and u jus started with somthing stronger den u used to and afte u drunk already getting drunker is no problem at all.

    but now u tryn to take it slow cus last time u was soo sick and u just cant take it, its nothing bad i mean i cant take weed for **** i mean i can smoke other **** but u gimme sum weed it will kill me every time im jus simple not built for it i so i stick with drink.

    some people just dont drink good so if it hurts or its hard to  drink just dont push it find somthing else

  5. The same thing happened to me. I had been a drinker for 20 years, the last time that I drank, I was puking  and I blacked out, that was 4 years ago, and if I even think about drinking, I feel sick, I havent had a drink since.

  6. because it probably reminds you of how sick u got last time....

  7. tonight, I'm going to party like its 1999!!!

  8. Much of this is psychological. People get sick from drinking too much alcohol and get hangovers due to dehydration. In order to eliminate the alcohol from your system, your body uses several processes to expel it in the form of urine, which is why people pee a lot when they drink a lot. The problem is, if you get thirsty from the elimination process in a drinking setting, your reaction would be to drink more alcohol. Thus, many people get hangovers due to this vicious cycle of ingestion and egestion, resulting in a net loss of water, which causes headache/hangover.

    Now, because you had a bad experience, your mind automatically stimulates a rejection response when you're exposed to alcohol as a defense mechanism so it will not have to experience it again.
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