
About excessive solitude??

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About excessive solitude??

ok... i prefer to limit social contact to online communication and spend the majority of my time alone in my room. i havent been very willing to find work either.. i think i avoid socializing with others because i wish not to generate any conflict between myself and others (and "others" extends to even family) because i dont feel confident defending myself when i need to/should. people point out that i have low self esteem which may be the reason for that. so at some point i must have figured that spending more time alone is the solution since i'm kind of "my own best friend" I can talk to myself and keep myself entertained that way.. and I do/have seem(ed) to enjoy it.. but lately iv been unable to eat normally (limiting meals to small amounts) seemingly because of too much alone time as my mother has pointed out... and im not sure if it all has to do with merely stress or, again, too much time even if I may enjoy the time alone (unless my perception is inaccurate). So in a nutshell how likely do you think it is that im experiencing these negative things and could experience more as a result of too much time by myself regardless of whether or not i enjoy being by myself?





  1. Being alone all the time isn't good. I know it because it led me to anxiety and related conditions. I'm a sociable and talkative person but when it comes to going out or meeting someone in town, I get knots in my stomach. So I dealt with it by researching and by reading The Linden Method. It's helping but I need to fix this myself because I created it through my choices in life and behavior.

    Try to get out of the house more.Even if just once a day to buy groceries or something. Ask a family member or a close friend to come with you, but after a few times go alone. Try to really realize what's around you, be glad that you're healthy and alive, discover that life isn't only about bad things, life is as you make it. I know it sounds difficult, it is for me too, but it's not impossible. If you think you have a problem, don't avoid it. Fix it! You're the only one who can. Best of luck!

  2. i dont think theres nothing wrong with that. im not very sociable either and im never partying with my friends or anything. im always at my house.  

  3. If you didn't in high school, or even if you already have, read "Walden" by Henry David Thoreau. It makes me feel better when people criticize me for being unsociable.

    But there are definitely reasons to and reasons not to be unsociable. A love of video games or internet communications is, in my view, not a good reason. A general dislike of most people in today's culture is. But if you're unhappy the way you are, I would consider evaluating exactly why you decide not to be chatty. Discover for yourself, and don't let others tell you why.

  4. i'm like you, too.

    for me it isn't because i don't want to generate conflict, in fact sometimes i wish conflict happened because there is no excitement in my life. but, i have low self-esteem and that just keeps me from meeting new people and such. it does sound like you're stressed out though. same as me i'm not that anxious to go get a job.. but i think you should. i've noticed that people with jobs are more comfortable around everybody including strangers, they make good conversation and seem to know who they are. i see confidence and characteristic from them. work is an excellent solution in my opinion. it's more easy to socialize there because you're always doing something and not just sitting there just plainly having a conversation.

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