
About football or soccer.

by Guest58513  |  earlier

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By the way, I'm in Canada. I'd like to know if there is somebody who will help achieve my goal of becoming a pro. football or soccer player. I am a good soccer player, won 5 medals but nothing further. I eat, sleep and breath soccer. Get back. Thanks.




  1. Be proactive in your training.

    Find people to play with 24/ a soccer rat.

    Train/Play with older, bigger/faster players who also have more skill and soccer knowledge than you.

    Train/play with younger players who need some development help...honor their dreams by teaching them what you know and play competitve with them, but ensure that they work for what they get...don't just let them score or dribble past you without some level of resistance to help them become sharper.

    Have structured "Team" training, but make sure you include as many "Pick-up" games as you can, simply to have fun.

    Leave the W/L record of your team alone,  do you part to win your individual battles.

    Make solid decisions on the pitch, but allow yourself to fail as you try new moves.  Work on those moves, perfect those moves and use them in game situations...the only way to do well in a match is to actually use the skills you are practicing on.

    Most of all, have fun with the sport,  encourage others to enjoy the game.  Build your mates up,  challenge them to get better while also praising them for the great things that they do.

    Be a leader in your actions and your words.

  2. Kick a ball against a wall using both feet, just like Georgie Best. If you feel that you are ready, write to every single Football League Club in England and Scotland, asking for a trial. See what comes up.

  3. Train as much as you can, and keep fit. Practice your dribbling skills etc, and if you're not already playing for a team - join one!

    Good luck mate :).

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