
About helping farmers?

by  |  earlier

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hi. i am interested in doing a project that would help farmers to get rid of their poverty and make a peaceful life for them. they are the only people who work a lot under sun but still earn a very little. my intention is just to give farmers a better life. please give some suggestions as to where i can start with to help them.




  1. Bless your sole. My husband and I farm and you right it's very hard work!  That's what alot of people don't understand, how hard a farmer works. My husband also works a second job to keep up on the bills.  Thanks for your interest in all farmers.

    God Bless You!  

  2. 1. research the problem areas . is land leased? is  it owned

    2. Are they putting the land to its best legal agricultural use.

    3. Can they develop commercial high value herbs and spices.

    4. Is there a market for tro crop farming - one below and one above the ground like tomatoes and turnips.

    5. Innovative ideas to use fertilizers and grow more

    6. Are there any problems getting the marketing. Are they getting the best value for the product.

    7. Can they improve storage methods to avoid pilferage, rodent control,

    cold storage for better prices and freezing for future sale.

    8. Work on cash crops that generate cash flow

    9. I found a mexican crop  for mamie selling at 2-3 a lb
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