
About how long does it take for a young kitten to learn that one of her new housemates is not a cat person?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously, I love cats. For example, I'm trying my darnedest not to hurt the little furball. But the furball is making it seriously difficult.




  1. The fact is, the kitten likes you for whatever reason. Just ignore it and it will learn not to cuddle up to you. The young cat is very cuious and wants to be friendly to everyting it sees. Be patient without being mean. Just push the critter away when it gets too close for you. It will learn. It takes time.

  2. Kittens tend to be very playfull and loveable.  Is has been my experience that a kitten that is loved will grow up to be a lovable cat.  However a unloved kitten will grow up to ignore you as a cat.   You should love him/her

  3. aw.

    it will grow out of the annoying stage eventually.  

  4. I would say the cat can figure it out in approximately 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419... seconds.

    But I'm a tad off my rocker and obsessed with the number Pi.

    EDIT: And I've just learned that apparently Y!A won't print out all 50 decimal places that I memorized and typed in, LOL.

    Cats know, man. They just know. But they'll get used to you if you start to genuinely like them and if you are around enough.

  5. As humans we have a lot more power and intelligence (?) than animals. Hopefully we use those advantages to manage situations and not let them manage us.

    Kittens are full of energy and the best thing you can do is play with it. Why would you even consider hurting a helpless animal? I don't want to suggest that you may have some issues, but if you don't think you can handle a kitten best to give it to the Humane Society and let them find a kinder environment.

    Take a chill pill, and good luck.

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