
About how long does it take to bike 5 miles?

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with a bunch hills




  1. Depends.  Are you in shape?  How many hills?  How steep?  It can take 20 minutes, it can take 4 hours.  Youre not specific enough.

  2. With your age and activity level you should have no problem with the 20 minute time. Don't forget you will need time to lock the bike and you may not want to push it that much since you will be running track all day.

  3. on a hilly route I can average 16-18mph on my high end racing bike (22-24mph on a flatter course).  On my hybrid bike I use for commuting it's more like 10-12mph hilly and 14-16 flat.

    I'd plan on 30minutes, that way you'll be early and have a bit of time cushion for the days you aren't able/willing to race along.

  4. Get on your bike and find out?

  5. At average 10 mph 30 minutes

  6. Considering the hills (you don't say how many or how steep) and not knowing what type of bike, you can conservatively guess an average speed of around 10 mph.  That means give yourself 30 minutes.

    Biking to camp is a great idea.  Do it once before camp starts so that you'll know exactly how long it will take you.

    Happy trails!

  7. 15-20 minutes.  You should wear a helmet.

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