
About how long will it take my piercing to stop hurting when i sleep on my stomach?? ?

by  |  earlier

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i got my belly pierced yesterday and it does tn hurt or it isn't red around the hole or just hurts little when i like either bend down or stretch. but the problem is i cant sleep on my stomach it kinda hurts..about how long will it take my piercing to stop hurting when i sleep on my stomach??




  1. it should only be 3-5 days before it stops hurting. your body is releasing pain to tell you that there is a foreign object there, but its totally normal. take 2 advil before you go to sleep and it should be fine.  

  2. Honestly, if they used a clamp on it when it was pierced, it will be tender for up to two weeks. This is why most people prefer to find a person to do it freehand, since the clamp brings all the blood around the site, and traumatizes it further thatn necessary. If you were lucky and found a free-hand peircer, it shouldn't be hurting for more than a day or two at the most. Anything further, you may want to get checked out, just to be safe. :P


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