
About how long would it take for a human body to cool to the point of being described as "cool to the touch"

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Inparticular, when the skin is described as being "cool/cold" to the touch does this occur at a calculable rate, as though to say if the skin is described as such it took "X" amount of minutes for said skin to cool to this/that point??




  1. To understand it you need to open this files and read about the mechanism

    READ IT please ...... ( READ upto the profound hypothermiastage, that is "a cold to touch stage when a persom may die)

    1. Muscle Cramp Warning?  

    A physiological symptom may slightly predate muscle cramps. The skin in the vicinity of the oncoming cramp feel cold to the touch a minute or two before the onset of ...

    2. Hypothermia - Science of the Cold  

    Normal human core body temperature is 37°C (98.6°F), clinically hypothermia ... The skin is very pale and icy cold to the touch. ...

    3. Heat and Cold Emergencies  

    The human body can adapt to extremes in temperatures to a certain ... · Skin that is cold to the touch · Skin that is discolored (flushed, white, yellow, blue) ...


    SEE also in other species


    4. Hypothermia in Iguanas and Other Reptiles  

    In mammals and birds, the body tries to make heat by shivering, and then ... hypothermic reptile will be very cold to the touch and will be unresponsive when ...


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