
About how long would it take to ride 10 miles at a normal bike speed in the city?

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About how long would it take to ride 10 miles at a normal bike speed in the city?




  1. About an hour, thats if your riding at about 10 mph which isnt that fast and easily ridable in a city, dont forget to add time for traffic though.

  2. around 2 and a half hours

  3. It depends how fast you ride, I can do 10miles in maybe 40 minutes but there are a load of cycle lanes here though.

  4. Tough call with too many variables/unknowns.

    What kind of bike?

    How fast do you ride?


    Stop lights/signs?


    If it was flat out for 10 miles, under an hour no problem.  Most riders can average about 20 KPH (12.5 MPH) pretty easily.

    In the city, I'd say you should figure on about an hour though, all things considered.  If you can do it in less, great.

  5. 50 minutes to an hour and ten minutes

    i ride 6.6 miles in 35 minutes

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