
About how many calories does this sound like? I need to know how to divide this CAKE, please help!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so we got cake and my family pretty much tore it up and left a big hunk for me. (about two normal sized pieces) of vanilla buttercream cake from Publix. I am unsure of how many calories the darn thing is! I checked the website and everything...But I don't want to eat more than 100 calories of it per day. And I can't resist cause it's one of my favorites! >_<

How many pieces should I divide it into? I was thinking four. That should probably only be about 60 calories a piece right?

How many are in 1 full piece?

Thanks, i'm just looking for as real an estimate as I can get. ;)




  1. From your previous answers and questions i would say that you are on your way to or involved in a serious eating disorder. This can absolutely ruin your life and possibly even result in death. I know this is not the answer you were looking for but you really need to address this problem.  PLEASE get yourself to a counselor and get help.  

  2. Usually one piece of cake can go 300-500 calories, so if that is a two piece size cake, I&#039;d devide it into about 4-6 pieces!


    You seem to be really worried about your weight! If you want to talk about it, you can email me, kay kay? :)

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