
About how many calories is this?

by  |  earlier

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2 cups of cooked vegetables (mushrooms, zucchini, squash, carrots) sauteed in soy sauce and salsa.




  1. maybe 300. the soy sauce might have added more.  

  2. i was led to believe by being a previous weightwatchers member that all those foods are 'free' foods so eat as many as you like and stay slim as no starches or fats they are just low calorie watery vegetables , in fact lose weight as there were no carbohydrates or fats mentioned in above said items.

  3. it depends how much salsa and soy sauce you used

    soy sauce doesn't have alot of calories

    i say about 100calories at the most

  4. Around 250-300 calories approximately.

    You need to be a bit more specific in how much of each you had, the brand of salsa & soy sauce, how you cooked it, etc

    Like how many carrots did you have? mushrooms? squash? zucchini?

    you can go here:  and check how many calories for yourself for each food. And it also says how many carbs, protein etc is in each

  5. Check the labels for the amount of soy sauce and salsa and add maybe 30 or 40 calories for the veggies.

  6. other than soy, there is like a total of maybe 20... It really isn't much.

    soy and salsa have it labeled on the side.

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