
About how many more animals per year do vegans save compared to vegitarians?

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About how many more animals per year do vegans save compared to vegitarians?




  1. There are no accurate statistics.

    However, vegans probably save quite a few animals over lacto-ovo vegetarians.

    First, if you acknowledge that the dairy industry is hand in hand with the veal industry, probably very many animals are saved inherently through this route. A cow cannot lactate until she goes through a pregnancy, and her calf is almost always sold into veal because the cow cannot afford to breastfeed her own babies - humans are far too greedy for her milk, which isn't even biologically appropriate for adult human mammals to drink. The veal industry is disgusting, it's the slow and painful torture and desecration of an infant calf, only to slaughter it for what some think is justified in the product - succulent, tender flesh. Of course it would be, the calf was crated it's whole life, unable to develop muscle structure.

    Secondly, dairy cows usually live a life that is only a fraction as long as a normal healthy cow's life. She is meat, worthless, another packet of beef, the moment she can't lactate any longer. There is no happy elderly life at pasture. As long as the dairy industry exists, cows will be kept and slaughtered and veal will exist.

    Meanwhile, the egg industry kills many chickens in the process of making eggs. While honest, salt-of-the-Earth farmers keep their hens happy and fed, factory farmed eggs (95% of the eggs on the market) are made from pure cruelty. Hens die constantly from parasitic infestations, dirt and filth, malnutrition or pure stress. They live in tiny cages, living on as little food as possible in as little room as possible - after all, at most they can make a single egg a day, so to make a dozen eggs (what's that, a dollar fifty?) a hen has to work for twelve days. So to make it profitable, that hen has to be kept for maybe fifty cents for twelve days. That means there isn't any room to spare for either room for her, food for her or any care whatsoever. Hens usually eventually suffocate from lack of room and air, die of malnutrition as the wear of making eggs with their diseased bodies crumbles their bones and viscera to nothing or from shock and pain from their horrifying existence. The moment the egg-laying hen dies, it is replaced. And male chicks cannot lay eggs, so they are usually incinerated by the thousands in factory farms. They don't matter.

    So there's probably just as many animals saved by making the switch to vegan, if not more, because it takes a lot more animal contribution to make a few cups of milk, a lot more hens slaving in putrid conditions to lay a dozen eggs, than it would to make hundreds of pounds of beef from a single cow. While dozens of animals suffer and hurt to make dairy and eggs, only one suffered and died to make a few week's worth of beef that someone would eat. Think about it.

  2. Vegetarians save approximately 80 animals per year, I believe, however vegans are probably VASTLY different, because there's no leather, or anything.

  3. How can the one be more than the other? Vegans and vegetarians differ in that vegetarians have milk and milk products. So a veggie is not killing any animal.

    Both vegan and vegetarian have the same score......I guess


    Of course all the arguments about how dairy contributes to slaughter of cows only holds true in the West. In countries like India, where cows are sacred,  they have a very comfortable retired life.

  4. i know vegetarians save on average 100 animals a year, but im not too sure about vegans. sorry.

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