
About how many years will it take me to become fully fluent in Japanese?

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I'm a teenager now. I can read Katakana but I'm halfway through Hiragana.

I speak both fluent English and Mongolian.




  1. depend how smart you are

  2. well, you learned it backwards. normally one learns hiragana first, then katakana.  

    but anyways, i hate to tell you that there is only one true way to become fluent in any language. (aside from growing up speaking it) you can study japanese books for years, but it ultimately comes down to the real experience: living in japan.

    when you go to a foreign country where you barely speak the language, your brain senses that it better get its butt in gear and learn the language, almost as an act of survival. trust me, it is MUCH easier learning like this because your brain isn't being 'asked' to learn another language, its being 'forced', and is therefore more like a sponge when being taught, even its its by mouth and not by book.

  3. Hate to break it to you but Hiragana and Katakana are the easiest parts, you could master that in a week.

    To be fully fluent? About 5 years of hard studying. Also depends on how often you study and how smart you are. It also helps a lot to speak the language, especially by going to the country.

    Many people say it’s easier than this but they are just idiots that don’t realize how big of a passive vocabulary people have. The average college graduate could have a vocabulary of 40,000 words. To pass the JLPT you need to know 10,000. That should give you an idea of the difference between knowing the language, and being fluent.

  4. About 3 years.

  5. Within 18 months.

  6. depends how intense you study.

    my friend has been studying it since he was 13/14 and now he is 17 and has successfully completed a 6 month exchange to japan and was quite fluent, even forgot a bit of english when he came back home!!! hahahaha.

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