
About how much can I expect to pay for COBRA benefits after willing termination?

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About how much can I expect to pay for COBRA benefits after willing termination?




  1. The full price of your plan every month, and possibly an administration fee. (You'll be paying your contribution AND what your employer was paying for you.) Sometimes it's cheaper than buying your own plan (in NY it is), but not always.

  2. somewhere in the $200-$1500/month range...with the given information that's the best I could do.

  3. A lot.

    When I ended my job at Walgreens, the cost for my own insurance [i was barely 18 at the time] was around $280 a month. If at all possible, try signing up for temporary insurance through a local company. Blue Cross does it, and so does Assurant.

  4. It depends on the carrier and the coverage. You won't know until your HR department tells you. It's usually pretty steep also. Sometimes just buying a high-deductible policy on your own for a while is cheaper, until you get another position.

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