
About how much do futons cost in southern california?

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lookn 4 a new bed....about how much do they cost?




  1. walmart has them for around 100 dollars and up. so does kmart. but if you plan on sleeping on one i would not recommend it cause they are not comfortable at all. now that i have a bed i sleep so much better and i don't wake up all tight and stiff. if you are on a budget look in the news paper ads and look for one that they only used when the had visitors and was not slept on a lot. good luck and peace out!!!!!!!

  2. The cost depends on the size and variety of the futon.  If you are talking about the traditional Japanese futon where it's on the floor your talking $500 and up because they will restuff you mattress for free for the life of the mattress.  If your talking the Walmart kind $100 and up and not very comfortable as they only carry the thinnest type of mattress and the poorest constructed futons.  Futon's are comfortable to sleep on as long as you get the right kind of mattress.  The mattress comes in different thicknesses as well as different sizes.  The thicker the mattress the better but it is also more expensive.  Your best bet is to go to a futon store where they specialize in futons only.  They will also have more unique and well constructed frames instead of the crappy ones in the stores.

  3. futon.....thats a funny word

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