
About how much do utilities run in a 3500 square foot house?

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My husband and I are getting ready to expand our family and we are getting ready to build a house here in Texas. How much would the utilities run? I figure about $1500/month would cover it...water, cable, and electric, am I right?




  1. Hi Amber,

    I live in TN, so I don't know the particular costs of things in TX, but our house is of similar size and we are well under that figure.

  2. probably about half that. I have a 1500 sq ft house and mine run about $300 a month

  3. I live in south Texas and with the rates and plans that are available your electricity for a house that size would be around $600, just dont choose Reliant Energy as your provider.

  4. Wow , that`s a lot . Do you plan on leaving the lights on and all the appliances running 24 hrs a day? Must be nice to have that much cash at hand. You really have to learn to turn off things when you are not in the room. Unless you have electric heat and keep the house at 85 in the winter and 60 in the summer and leave every light on in the house on 24 hrs a day you should be way under that. I would think that if you are that much for utilities , the authorities may think you are running a grow op in your house and would investigate.

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