
About how much does General liability insurance?

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Any Independent Contractors out there that could give me an idea about how much it cost, because I have no idea.




  1. Depends on what kind of Independent Contractor you are.  If you sell tupperware, you can probably find it for $500.   If you're a roofer, $2,000.  If you design computer programs used by the NASA program, $25,000.   If you design parts for nuclear facilities, $100,000.

  2. you can contact salmen insurance for that. 866-587-7147. they will get you a free quote within hours and are usually thousands less than others. very quick and easy.

    it will depend on your gross receipts, sub out costs, limits on what you need to cary.

  3. There is a very wide rage of premiums depending on what you do, where you work, the size and number of your jobs, your experience, etc.  You might pay $3000 a year or $100,000 a year.  An independent agent can give you a ballpark and some quotes from a variety of companies.  Your driving record will probably have no bearing on the contractor's general liability, that only matters for auto liability.

  4. We have no idea because it isbased on so many things...Where you live, Your age, Your marital Status, Your car, What Liability Limits you want, Your driving record, prior insurance & For some insurance companies your credit (financial stability) We dont just have a chart that says Male, 39, Clean record = $50 a month....If you are in Texas though let me know &I can quote you up some :)

  5. Too many variables...driving record...age..etc

  6. Are you looking for a business,  You will need to include how much payroll, type of business, how much coverage, what deductibles.  You have not giving information except for showing up to a showing at a sub shop and asking for sandwich.

  7. It all depends on the type of work you do, how much money you make and how many employees you have.  I would be happy to help you with a quote.

  8. Al,

    You forgot to mention what you do as an independent contractor. The rates will vary significantly between occupations. You probably know that the rates for a roofer will be different than for someone cleaning an office building.

    You have to call an independent agent in your area to get an accurate premium so that you can build that expense in to the hourly rate you will be charging. You cannot get an accurate answer here.

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