
About how much money does this cost?

by Guest65115  |  earlier

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how much money does it cost to leave ur lights on per hour? okay like my grandpa is here and he sleeps with his lights on (cealing light..4 bulbs) and it's been about 6 days and 9 houurs a day. so how much money has been wasted? i want to tell him to turn it off (i'm his granddaughter) but he's kind of resistant and i dont want to tel him if we're only wasting a couple of bucks.




  1. Where I live it costs about 15 cents for a kilowatt of electric.

    That is 1,000 watts

    a 60 watt light uses up 60 watts of electric per hour.

    It will take 16.5 hours for that lightbulb to use up 1 kilowatt of electric.

    @15 cents per kilowatt it will cost about 1 cent per hour for each 60 watt bulb that is left on.

    if all 4 of the bulbs that are in his ceiling light are 60 watt bulbs it will cost about 4 cents per hour.

    9 hours per day times 4 cents an hour = 36 cents per day

    6 days times 36 cents = $2.16

    so in the 6 days that your grandfather has been with you it has increased your electric bill by about $2.16

    Is it really worth it to say something to him about it and risk hurting his feelings over $2.16?

    I hope that helped

  2. I hope you make it a point to ask him how he feels about unnecessarily  using up resources that will be needed for your generation and beyond. No, not about his offenses, but as a general topic of discussion.

    The cost we pay to use up our resources is not taking into account the cost to future generations to do without when we have mindlessly used them all up.

  3. You are only wasting a couple of bucks.  If you are really concerned, you could try replacing regular light bulbs with fluorescent light bulbs.  They only use about 16 watts.

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