
About how much would this tattoo cost?

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  1. No one here can tell you for sure so youre wasting your time asking. It depends on the place/artist doing the tattoo. It depends on the size, and how much color you want put in. I can tell you though, the cheapest way to get a tattoo (but the most boring) is if you get it in only black and white and keep it small.

  2. i think probably around $75 to $120 because of the coloring detail.

  3. Figure between $100 and $150 per hour.  6 inches or so tall?  maybe an hour's work?  But that depends on the artist and how fast they are.   I would guess closer to $200 or $250 just to be on the safe side with your budget (that doesn't include tip of course. Maybe $20-$30) since the shop that you go to may have a minimum charge (the guy I go to charges $150 minimum).  

  4. I got mine done recently and it was about that size (maybe 3-4 inches X 3-4 inches), mine had a lot of different colors though, and it came to $200, plus a $50 tip because she did such a good job and was really nice.

    Keeping in mind that this was in the city, so cost of everything is a bit higher than if you were in the country. And without that many different  colors, it would have been a good 30-50 bucks cheaper. But yes I would say no more than $250-$300 for something like that as long as it is no bigger than 6 X 6 in.

  5. depends how big you want it and color.

    id say 150 if you want it about the size of your hand

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