
About how old should my daughter be to get her ears peirced?

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About how old should my daughter be to get her ears peirced?




  1. As long as they have the first 3 sets of shots they can get them done then.The earlier you get them done the better in my opinion.My daughter was 6 months when we got hers done.At almost 4 she doesnt like earrings much but we poke a pair through for special occasions and she loves it.

  2. daughter should at least be six months. i had my daughters done right when she had her  6 month shots.

  3. I know people that have gotten their kids ears pierced at a few months old. My daughter is 6 and just got them pierced. I think it would be easier to get them pierced at a younger age or if you want to wait and leave it up to your child then go for it. Its all up to you as the parent and what you think is best.

  4. as early as 2 months

  5. I had that done when I was like 6. Getting your ears pierced isn't that bad?

  6. well i got mine done when i was two years old, cause my mom knew i might not have the nerve to do it when im older. (so true) but it all depends on what your daughter wants.

    if she wants her ears pierced then give her a talk about taking care of her ears, and that its gonna hurt a little (and you're not going to buy ALL of her earrings). then if she says she's ready then go for it.

    if she doesn't want one now, then obviously let her decide if she ever does.

    hope this helps.

  7. Ummm... some people get it done to babies, some people who are conservative wait until the teens, but i'd say mostly ppl get it done 8-9 yrs old.

  8. it realy doesnt matter....i noe many parents who pierce their childrens ears when they were infants....try to do it before the age of10...better for the skin on the ear

  9. I'm in my mid 30's, I had to wait till I was 9 years old.

    Does she want her ears peirced?

    I think it's a personal choice and not a big deal. So what you feel is best.

  10. no you should not she is too yonge

  11. I wanted it to be something special. So she was 12. It takes a lot of responsablity to take care of properly. Especially is there is allergic reactions to metals.

  12. Well I got my ears pierced when I was only a few months old. Going through school a lot of people go them in third and fourth grade but of course there where ones getting them in middle school. I think that third and fourth grade is good.

  13. Whenever you feel she's old enough to not mess with them and potentially put them in her mouth.  If you do it when she's a baby (usually most places wait until after 4 month shots to do it) then she'll most likely never play with them, because as far as she knows they've always been there.  I was 5 when I got mine done.  My daughter wants hers done for her birthday, she'll be 6.

  14. I'm 19 years old now, but I told my mother at five years old that I wanted my ears pierced, and she was happy to take me. I was only allowed to wear stubs of course, so that my rough playing wouldn't leave a ripped earlobe. I felt very grown up and mature for my mother allowing me to have my ears pierced, and I never understood why other parents wouldn't allow their child to have them, because it truly made no sense to me. I was responsible with them, and I never messed with them, they just sat in my ears! I was 12 years old when I was allowed to wear earrings that weren't stubs, such as small hoops.

  15. I got my ears done when I was 2 months because when you are that little you don't have feelings in your ears, But i would say 12

  16. Iknow kids who are 7 months old with ear piercing. Whatever you think is right for your child. As long as its small studs and nothing too heavy if your child is quite young. I got mine done when i was 8 years old my little sisters was 3 when she got it done. I dont see whats wrong with getting your ear pierced at a younger age.

  17. I wanted her to be 10 but my friend talked me into her getting it done for her 8th birthday.  Not the pain but I think 9-10 so they can handle changing their own earings and looking after them.

  18. I got my ears pierced when I was just a baby, so I do not think it should be about how old you are. It's not an odd piercing like her belly button or anything like that. It's pretty and girly, so any age is good.

  19. when your daughter can take care of them.

    what my mom did was she told me every gory detail in how they were pierced when i was 7 and told me i vould get them pierced when ever i wanted. I waited till i was 11.

  20. I pierced my daughters ears when she was 2 months old, right after her 1st set of shots. But I've noticed it all depends on where you grew up, culture, heritage, and other things. The younger they are though the least likely it will get infected. At 2 months old my daughter was not able to touch her ears so they healed very quickly, she didn't cry at ALL and I pierced them myself like my mom did with me when I was a baby rather than taking her to get them done at the mall.

  21. how old is she now?

    im 11 and i got my ears pierced on December 23, 2007.

    I wanted them pierced since i was 5, but my mom decided to wait til i was old enough to take care of it.

    thats what you should do. when you think she's old enough and mature enough to take care of it herself and keep up with it and not let it get infected, that will be the right time. you need to let her knoe that it IS a privelege, and that she needs to behave and be mature to get that privelege. if she's constantly whining and begging for it, DO NOT GIVE IN. then she will think that she can get anything she wants from you by just whining and pleading, and she will grow up being a spoiled brat. so if she is whining for it, wait a while. i learned THAT ONE pretty darn fast!!!

  22. No piercings in my house until age 10.

  23. The day your daughter says she wants them, she should be allowed to have them pierced. It's not like its a tattoo that she might grow to regret, and she can always take them out if she should happen to grow out of the idea.

  24. I believe what my mom told me:

    1. Old enough to care for the piercing. (8-12 is my guess)

    2. Old enough to decide (it is body modification)

    3. Old enough to to appreciate that they made this decision and remember it as a lesson, like a little rite of passage and something special. It should be a special occasion.

    Of course, my mom hated needles.


  26. 6mnths

  27. when she can pay to have it done herself.

  28. Lots of moms do then when their kids are infants.  I think if the child is old enough to express an interest in having pierced ears, she should be allowed.  However, I love my ears being pierced and I always wear earrings.

  29. I got mine when I was a baby. I fell asleep on the way to the place and didn't wake up through getting them pierced. Obviously as a baby my mother cared for my ears and made sure they didn't get infected and stuff. And once they have healed there not much you need to do to care for them apart from stopping them from closing up. My mom used to have such fun buying me new earrings to match my clothes as a child she'd pick earrongs that matched and I still have the earrings that they pierced with from when I was one. I don't think there's a problem with piercing at a young age.

  30. I think when they are old enough to take care of them self

    My seven year is asking

    I am waiting

    I have awful time with pierced ears

    It turned out I was allergic to nickel

  31. If you're white, age 12.

    If you're Mexican, 2 days old.

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