
About joining the military ?

by  |  earlier

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ok my fiance is REALLY wanting to go into the military but he has this scar on his shoulder from a dog attack when he was like 15 months old does this mean that he cant join i mean he is very capable of doing anything he played every sport you can think of all through highschool and now at his job he is always lifting heavy furniture and other things but if someone could please help me out i would really appreciate it and so would he thanks




  1. Congrats... he has a scar... half the people in the military have scars some where on their body.

    A scar is not a disqualifier for any branch.

  2. A scar? Thats it?If its just a scar, thats not a problem.

    Unless its a scar from a major surgery. That could hold someone back.  

  3. The Army recruitment center (MEPS) will look at his scar during his initial entry screening and put him through various tests to see if he's had any form physical disablement caused by this attack.

    I know soldiers who've been stabbed, shot, burned, and cut, and theyve all been able to get through the physical screening. The only thing I'm worried about for your fiance, is if he'll be able to keep up with all the pushups and situps that are needed to be done every day.

    If your fiance doesn't have physical limitations (lifting things, weightbearing, running, jumping jacks) then he should be more than alright to serve his country, and thank you, for supporting him.

  4. does the scar impede him from going aobut his dialy life.

    Does it mean he cant lift his arm etc.

    If its all good, that shouldnt be a problem at all.


    f it does stop him from raising his arm etc and other medical things like that, he may need a doctor to give him an all clear.

  5. Scars don't preclude anyone from joining the military.  If they did I don't think too many people could get in.  As long as he can pass the physical before joining he's fine.  Unless he has rabies or something.  If he can't pass the physical he could go before a medical board and plead his case but it sounds like he'll be alright.

  6. a scar?

    thats way different than a disease or a handicap.

    A scar is nothing but a marking.

    does he have issues with his shoulder now?

    Thats a different story.

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