
About labor/delivery...?

by  |  earlier

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im 35 weeks and ive had a constant cramping and low back pain for the past two hours. im also kinda nauseous with heartburn and a downward tension in my neck and shoulders. i feel hot too. could i be in labor??




  1. if the pain starts to radiate towards the front and becomes regular then go to the hospital and they will check you. first babies dont come fast so just relax and you will know when its true labor. my doc said to come when i could not talk through the contractions...i couldnt wait that long though :)

  2. If the cramping gets worse and you can time it, maybe get checked. Unfortunetly the end of pregnancy is pretty uncomfortable in general, so it could just be the "joys" of the last few weeks.

  3. To be in labor you must have two of three symptons happens.

    1. Contractions coming every 5 minutes for at least an hour.

    2. Have lost your mucous plug.

    3. Your water has broken.

    If any of these 3 are happening or have happened then you are in labor. All the other symptons don't necessarily mean you are in labor, it doesn't sound  like you are. Just the uncomfortable downfalls of being pregnant.

    Good Luck!

  4. Could be it depends... does you stomach contract? Get hard for about 60-90 seconds and then get soft and anywhere from 5-20 minutes do it again? If not i would say most likely your baby is just giving you a hard time i go through it every day good luck and feel better, If you think there is something going on call you Dr asap and ask him what he thinks you should do that would be your best bet

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