
About leaving a job when your department is short on help

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Can my boss hold me back if I leave for a new job with another comapny or go off to college in a different state because the department is short on help?




  1. What's he going to do, duct tape you to your desk? Hold you at gun point???

    Seriously, all you need to do is give 2 weeks notice. In the resignation letter, express how you hate to leave the department understaffed, and appreciate everything you've learned, but this is just the right opportunity for you...

    The bottom line is, being short staffed is his responsibility, not yours.  

  2. Nope. How's he going to hold you back from anything?

  3. Give 2 weeks notice so someone can be hires to replace you.

    Offers help training or create a detailed transition documents so the person replace you can have a good start.

    To make things as smooth as possible is the right thing to do and good relation with your current employer is important for your future job reference.

  4. No way, he can't hold you hostage. When you're ready to go you go. Whatever your notice is for your last day, that is the last time you go in.  

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