
About leaving my job to go back to college?

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I need some advice. I am 32 years old. I am thinking about going back to college to get my associates degree. I have a learning disablity. Which means I have to work harder than most students. I would take me one year to complete my degree. What I need the advice about is the following.

Should I leave my job to go back to college and spend all of my time to put into my studies.




  1. If you can afford to quit your job, go for it. You will graduate quicker and you won't be as tired. Trust me when I say "Trying to survive on about 3-4 hours of sleep a night is not only miserable and unhealthy but also rather dangerous, especially when driving."

  2. YES. If you can afford it, YES. You will never regret going back to school. I went back at 30 (even moved in with my parents!!!)  and then again at 35.

    Do it now! There are so many programs to help students with all kinds of different disabilities. It will be so exciting and rewarding for you. Kudos on considering it!!

    Good luck!! :)

  3. My learning disabled son dropped out of high school and got his GED, then enrolled in community college (2 blocks from home) and got his Associate's degree. Then he transferred to a four year university and is completing his Bachelor's degree. It has taken him longer because he really could not work and take classes. He has had to take only 12 hours at a time due to the strain of the required bookwork. Reading is physically tiring for him because of the disability and so takes longer.

    He was in the Beta Club in middle and high school. He took honors classes in high school for the two years he was there. He was inducted into the international honor society for his major at the university.

    My point is that it can be done. But I have been his support system. I have paid for his schooling and he still lives with me although he has his own living quarters adjoining the main house.

    You need monetary support for school payments, living expenses, and travel expenses. One of the most important needs is medical insurance. My son can still be carried on mine for one more year. (At your age only a spouse could carry you on a policy.) You need to check into the cost of medical insurance. See if the school offers a student insurance. His school does, but he would have to see a doctor on campus if he were ill.

  4. if you can afford it-yes--leave your job-go to school, study-graduate quicker

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