
About lights out in Los Angeles County?

by Guest45297  |  earlier

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Ok on Saturday there is the whole lights out thing going on! can you tell me wether power is completely going to be shut down? or its only for those who choose to turn lights off?




  1. The lights out event is strictly voluntary in nature.

  2. Cool, i didn't know

    This is a great event. It does not save too much juice, it's more for the awareness

    I'm a green fan here, on that night I'll use my solar powered flashlights

    I hope this time LADWP will see the live Megawatt needle dipping by 10 maybe 20 percent!

    And maybe LA's natality rate will increase...

    Note that there are rumors that when ALL lights are off (earthquake or major blackout) you can actually see plenty of stars in LA contrary to belief of polluted skies

  3. Completely mandatory

  4. I bet the gangs and criminals are going to love that. Buy a gun.

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