
About liquid regulation heathrow/london airport?

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i am gonna fly from istanbul to montreal through london/heathrow and i was wondering if the things (perfumes) i buy at the istanbul duty free would be confiscated in heathrow during the security controls? cause normally they take all the liquids on you but i heard that if you have them in a duty-free they let you go with your stuff. is this true or not?? thanks!!




  1. You will be fine with liquid items that you have purchased at the duty free shops after already going through airport security.  When you purchase liquids at these shops your purchase is bagged and delivered to your airport gate for you.  You then reclaim your purchase immediately before boarding the plane.  This way they are sure that the liquid was not tampered with and you get your purchase.  If you have any plane switches you will possibly have to place the item in your checked bag before boarding your second plane, but this step is dependent on the rules of each specific airport and country.

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