
About me project at school?

by  |  earlier

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i have to do a school project where i bring 5 different items that each symbolize a different thing about me. I already know that one will symbolize soccer but i dont know what item and i need suggeestions for other items and what they symbolize.





  1. one could maybe be your favorite comfort food-- a fave snack

    maybe a toy, stuffed animal, doll that represented you childhood innocence

  2. four items to symbolize life.

    well.. hobbies are first.

    Pictures of family could mean you're close to your family.

    Your favorite movie.

    Your childhood action figure. (your friends will get a kick out of it too)

    maybe a picture you've drawn.

    your favorite sport team.

    a poem says ALOT. plus if it's for an english teacher she'll love you all year!

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