
About micro fiber cleaning cloths/?

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can you use them wet to do windows without streaks?




  1. They say you can, but i haven't tried it.

  2. yeah

    if u use the frenchie way of doing it

  3. Yep and they also do a great job on mirrors, too.

  4. YES! YES! YES! I use Them all of the time to do windows. They work FABULOUS!!! Use Them Damp & not real wet. I get mine in the Automotive Section at Wal-Mart very reasonably priced.

  5. They work great for windows, mirrors, appliances like the microwave, fridge etc.  Be sure to wring out most of the water, you don't really want them wet, just damp.  Also you don't have to pay alot for them either.  I've seen them from $10 and up but they have a couple in a pack at Big Lots for just a few dollars.  The ones I got there were blue and in the automotive department.  They work just as good.

  6. Yes, they work wet with either water or a water/vinegar solution.  For really dirty windows, however, you may want to use an old washcloth dampened to get off the excess dirt before you use the microfibre.

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