
...About my 10th grade schedule....?

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Hi. I have a question about my 10th grade schedule. Ok tomorrow in the morning I'am going to pick up my schedule, and was wondering if I should take all the classes (excluding electives) I had Last year because I'd know every thing the teachers are going to teach, is because i flank the 10th grade.

Or should I try some other ones.

Yea this year I will have come back changed meaning I decided that i want (and hope that Ill be accepted to one) to co to a university.

Some other questions I have regarding this is: Ok if I keep a good GPA for the rest of the years in high school can I be what I want to be?, which is I think its called a Technical Mechanic?

Also what would you recommend that I do to focus more on school?




  1. If you are picking up your schedule, you should have already decided what classes to take and therefore you will not have a choice.

    But, I would NOT recommend that you take the exact same classes with the exact same teachers. Sometimes it'll be easier to study with someone else because you may find someone who teaches better to your learning style. Besides that, it's always good to have new experiences, even if they're not the easy way out.

    There's no reason why you couldn't be whatever you want to be. High School is important, but it's not the end of your life. Even if you don't do well, you could consider attending a Community College or Junior College for a year or two and then transfer to a university to give you a chance to start your GPA over.

    Focusing more on school is tough because I don't know you or your habits. You just need to prioritize well. If you really want to do well, you have to make the sacrifices and put in the effort that it takes to do well. It doesn't come easy to anyone...everyone who does well works hard at some point.

    Do all your homework and do all your studying and reading....go in for tutorials with your teachers. Ask your friends for help. There are several things you can do to do better in school, you just need to make the commitment to do it.  

  2. You should only retake those classes you failed.  Unless you failed every class, your high school probably wouldn't let you retake the ones you passed.  Unless there was a class you really hated, it would probably be a good idea  to take the same classes, if for no other reason than to show colleges that you were capable of passing them.

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